Female staff of primitive society was interested in the existence of prostitution is absolutely all the female half of the tribe: in underage girls in love with some man adult women, older women, and so on. Once this rule made it possible not to die of hunger female part of the tribe. After the first meeting of a young mature couples there is a feeling of attraction of man to woman and woman to man, there is a "unconscious biological response" in the form of sympathy for each other, which causes the desire to meet again and again. Nature has endowed living organisms" biological reaction of attraction "of males to female and vice versa. This "reaction of attraction" is harder to explain than the gravitational pull of the planets and the stars, rather than the occurrence of a chemical compound of the hydrogen atom to the oxygen atom, is formed when one molecule of water. Sexy, "love" is not due to the attraction of the sexes is not magnetic and electric fields. It has not yet been studied by the world of science power. The most powerful "attraction sexes" occurs in young adults from 16 to 36 years old. Children and the elderly have a very low concentration of sex hormones in the blood, for this reason, they have no sense of sexual desire. Concentrations of sex hormones is directly proportional to the power of sexual attraction and the power of love.
If you look at the sexual feeling with biological products, the modern humanity should be very grateful to the presence of people of both sexes within the well-defined sexual feeling, because it is thanks to him, the process of conception and birth of a female child. Imagine that because of gene mutations for millennia within humanity suddenly disappeared feeling sexual attraction between a man and a woman. Then mankind expects extinction as a species. Humanity, the Company will continue to exist as long as there is sexual desire (libido, ACAI) of the opposite sex, as there is love. All women of the tribe would have died of hunger and cold, if not for a strong sex drive of men. "The material producers" were needed girls and women (especially young ones, different beauty and statuesque figure), for a very simple reason - for sexual pleasures.
At least 1 - 2 times a week healthy and well-fed man has an overwhelming desire to have a sexual relationship with a woman, and for this he had to "pay". Due to the presence of a strong sexual desire in men, managed to survive the female half of humanity in the most difficult time of the evolution of humanity - during the primitive communal system.
published here: http://medscash.net/
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